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Acccent last won the day on June 5 2018

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Acccent last won the day on June 5 2018

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  1. Hi makis, Thanks for the codepen. Could you post a screenshot of what you're seeing? I'm not sure what I have is normal or not. I don't see any flare
  2. Hi all, I thought I'd post this recent find in here, as it might be relevant https://github.com/orling/grapheme-splitter
  3. I only changed the animation and didn't look at the rest of the code, as there's a lot of it. The problem must be coming from somewhere else! If you could make a more reduced test case that would make it easier for us to help you out
  4. Here's a fork of your pen, I marked the changes in the CSS and JS with "CHANGES HERE". The scale is always animating up, but it should be enough to get you started.
  5. Hi! Well, if you open the inspector on the website you linked, you can get an idea of what they're doing. On each scroll/click, they're actually completely removing the current image (ie. getting rid of a node), and replacing it with a new one which contains the new image. That new image's opacity and scale animate, so that it fades in and either slightly shrinks or grows depending on the scroll direction. That's not necessarily the only way to do this though. You could have all the images except the first one invisible by default (with display: none), and then on scroll you make the current one invisible and use autoAlpha to animate the new one into view. Does that make sense?
  6. I've never worked with Highcharts, Ceros or D3, but I know it's possible (if a but cumbersome) to create pie charts with pure CSS (see here for one example among many) and anything done with CSS can be easily animated with GSAP. Of course you could also just make one with SVG, which would simplify things even further. If you want the easiest solution though, you'd just make histograms
  7. I'm currently building an app with Electron as well, and have run into no issues so far
  8. Acccent

    Many setTween

    Hi jakub40, This looks like it's related to ScrollMagic, which this forum isn't dedicated to. You'd probably have more luck looking at ScrollMagic's official documentation or asking in its issues page on GitHub. However, from what I can tell, it looks like maybe you shouldn't be chaining .setTween methods immediately after creating the new scene? So you could try something like: var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: ".layer_grouop", duration: 550}); scene.setTween(".layer_8", {top: "100px"}) .setTween(".layer_7", {top: "100px"}) ...
  9. Really interesting that modifiers is another way to avoid "caching" values!
  10. So, turns out I'd forgotten to swap out import 'gsap'; in one of the files, which explains why the size didn't change and everything worked immediately. Once I fixed that, I did have to make an explicit reference to CSSPlugin for everything to work (importing from /all or /TweenLite made no difference, except I had to manually import some eases from EasePack when I wasn't using /all). I gained 18 KiB (going from 800 to 782KiB minified, including all other assets), which I think isn't really worth the added maintenance and potential for invisible mistakes. (If you don't import CSSPlugin, there's no warning at all, but the tween just don't do anything – I'm not sure that there isn't something else silently failing somewhere else.) It makes sense that the gain is so small, I'm using TimelineMax so the only thing that isn't used is the added stuff from TweenMax. It's probably possible to fragment GSAP into more granular chunks, but that's a challenge for another day, haha. edit: maybe, when transitioning to 2.0, you should consider renaming TweenLite and TweenMax to just Tween, and TimelineLite/Max to just Timeline. The functionality would be defined by what you import anyway – I don't think there's a reason to have both names, is there? It can be a bit confusing when starting out with GSAP to decide whether to use Lite or Max versions, when, really, as long as you need the Max features once, you might as well just use it everywhere.
  11. haha, I hope my website gets better approval rates than Macron in france ?
  12. Hello everyone! I've finished* working on my personal website and thought I'd share it here, both because I think it's cool and also because feedback is always welcome and useful It's built with three.js but virtually all the animations are handled with GSAP. Feel free to poke around and ask me if you want to know how I approached things. https://robin-v.net *Obviously, it'll never be *truly* finished... I'm sure I'll start finding lots of stuff that needs fixing now that I've shared it, and regardless I'd like to integrate a Grav-powered blog in the future. But, you gotta show it at some point! Cheers
  13. Well, just replacing all the import 'gsap'; with import { TweenLite } from 'gsap/all'; (and TimelineLite and TimelineMax where appropriate) worked immediately. CssPlugin was imported as expected without me needing to reference it explicitly, nor adding it to the sideEffects in the webpack config. That was a nice surprise. However the final size of the bundle is very slightly higher (1 Byte), so that's a bummer, haha. Even though I'm not technically importing all of TweenMax. shrug!
  14. Out of curiosity, if I'm using Webpack now, is it worthwhile to use this too? (I understand I'd need to explicitly reference the plugins I use, but I think there's only CssPlugin at the moment). I currently just do "import 'gsap';".
  15. Isn't it potentially risky to pop the last element of the children array? What if it's needed later? // Maybe this children[children.length - 1].duration(1.8); children[children.length - 2].duration(1.8); // or children.slice(-2).forEach(t => { t.duration(1.8); });
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